JS propaganda for java devs

Static Typing in vanilla.js

Not really...

What are the benefits of static typing?

  • possibility for optimisation based on types
  • potentially earlier detection of bugs
  • easier for an IDE to infer + suggest
  • automated documentation

breaking stuff is bad

what do we have?

@use JSDoc



cheat sheet

github inspectocat
@param {type} name  // describe a parameter
@optional //  to say argument 'name' doesn't need to be defined
@return {type} // define what a function should return (omit for void funcs)
@const // declare that a value should not be reassigned to
@deprecated // declare that a function shouldn't be used any more
@constructor // declare constructor
@interface // declare interface
@implement name // declare implementing an interface
@extends name // declare extending a class
@param {String|Number} name // define a param as a String or number
@param {{myNum: number, kitten: String}} config // define a param as obj literal
@param {!Object} name // describe a parameter as being non-nullable object

moar reading

code @ GH
talk from jsconfeu 2013 - TBA
